Guest recipe | Asian chicken salad

Today we have a recipe from the lovely Lucy Neuburger, and it’s just the thing for a hot day. Over to Lucy:


Serves a very greedy 1 person, though can easily be multiplied

For the salad

A handful of leftover roast chicken, sliced or shredded
1 shallot, finely chopped
1/4 of a cucumber, peeled into ribbons
1 small carrot peeled into ribbons
1 red chilli sliced thinly (I tend to add more, but I like my spice)
1 nest of dry noodles

 For the dressing

Juice of 1 lime
Splash of fish sauce (or soy sauce if you prefer)
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
Mint, coriander and a few roasted peanuts to garnish
Could not be easier!
1) Cook noodles according to packet instructions, drain, run under cold water and set aside.
2) Combine all the salad ingredients along with the noodles in a large bowl.
3) Mix the dressing in a mug or small jug and add into bowl, mixing everything together until well combined.
4)  Serve garnished with chopped mint, coriander and a few peanuts.


4 thoughts on “Guest recipe | Asian chicken salad

    • thelittleloaf – It is my recipe and the dressing does not require any oil at all. However, if you are missing it, try a little groundnut oil as it is tasteless and often used in Asian cookery! Hope this helps 🙂

  1. Could have had this last night with my left over roast chicken from Sunday – if only I had opened your blog earlier! Still on the list for next week – love asian themed dressings.

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