Comments on: Farewell to the Secret Larder Small Adventures In Cooking Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:47:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: denise tyrrell Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:47:56 +0000 I bet it was sad to say good by but as they say all good things come to an end. Eager to know about the new venture.
Was in a book shop this week and spied your book Small Adventures in Cooking which I have been meaning to buy and never got around to it, well I took it as an omen, and got the purse out. I am thoroughly enjoying it and regret it has taken me this long.
Good luck for the future.

By: Kavey Mon, 26 May 2014 17:01:47 +0000 I have not been since I visited the North London schoolhouse, but lovely to read that you and your sister both met your life partners there – meaningful stuff indeed. They do say food is the route to love!

Tantalised by the enigmatic hints of what is coming next but wish you all the very best of luck, whatever it is.
