Davidstow Cheddar

Usually it’s red wine. Red wine with cheese. If you’re really lucky it’s cheese and port. If you’re quite unlucky it’s cheese and a really ropey, £7 port – the kind of port that, come the morning, makes you feel like a camel has shat in your mouth. It seems to make sense – cheese is rich, red wine is rich, why not sling them together?

Obviously it’s not quite as simple as that, and last night I was invited to Hix Soho to be tutored in the ways of pairing drink with cheese.

Cheddar, to be precise – tangy, pale, creamy cheddar. It’s probably the first cheese most Brits ever taste – though I do remember ralfing a particularly gnarly gobbet of Wensleydale into the bin at primary school, possibly only minutes before the school bully (I’d write his name if I could remember it) threw me over the fence – and so holds a special place in our hearts.

And down in Cornwall they take their cheddar seriously. Mark Pitts-Tucker, the ‘nose’ from Davidstow, is a man who eats about 700 samples a week. “Cornwall has fantastic raw materials for cheese makers. We’ve got fat Friesian cows and lush green hills. We’re really trying to put into a piece of cheese what Cornwall is all about.”

The two cheeses we tasted were the Classic (aged 13 months), and the Crackler (aged 20 months). We started with a couple of ales – a light, soapy Doom Bar and a more assertive Tribute. MiMi told me Tribute was supposedly “the best beer in Cornwall” as she hoiked it into the spitoon. It certainly went well with the cheese – the mellow Classic bringing out floral notes while the punchier Crackler somehow tasted of toast.

I won’t take you through my entire tasting notes. Not only am I not in the least bit qualified, but they are full of comments like “Bonjela on the nose”, “marriage of convenience”, and “rub along nicely enough but hardly dry humping on the floor” (all the Tempranillo). The great revelations of the evening were a softly oaked Chardonnay, and a nutty Amontillado sherry. They stood out as expertly paired wines (and with Fiona Beckett at the helm you’d expect nothing less) and, along with the beers, effectively made the point of the evening, which was that pairing cheese with grog isn’t quite as simple as yonking the nearest bottle of Jacob’s Crack from the cupboard. That and that Davidstow Cheddar rocks.

Many thanks to Mark for cheese guidance, Nathan Outlaw for some benchmark cheese straws and stunning recipes, Fiona for great wines and a good catch-up, Hix for delicious food, and the lovely gals at Wild Card for looking after us so well.

13 thoughts on “Davidstow Cheddar

  1. am quite literally tucking into a slice of Davidstow as I type!… love this post and love the fact that you totally understand that naming your school bully would only give him the fame he so desperately craved… now give me another slice x

  2. I don’t know about the port comment; even very good port (especially very good port?) seems to have a propensity for giving me morning-mouth-like-a-Turkish-docker’s-armpit when consumed in greater than tiny quantities…

  3. Haha! Yes Bonjela on the nose cracked me up, great review of a delightful evening of Davidstow goodness with Mark, Nathan and Fiona.

    Really surprised by how much I enjoyed the sherry and chardonnay with the cheddar, but I’d expect nothing less from la Fi Beckett, queen o’ cheese and queen o’ food and drink pairings. It certainly worked better than aquavit, which I once tried.

    Nice cheese straws from Nathan Outlaw too, and that cheesey Welsh Rarebit fondue from Hix….

    All in all a perfectly pitched evening. Now I challenge you to a grilled cheese toast-off Rambo x

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